W E ST P E R T H D U P L E X 1 9 9 7

An inner city duplex development in West Perth, WA.

The project redeveloped an urban inner city site into (2) warehouse style apartments. The resultant building form is two very simple rectilinear forms defined by a skeleton of steel portal frames into which a number of carefully controlled elements were inserted to define the various private and public zones of each house.

The use of steel was critical in achieving the desired planning flexibility particularly in relation to the three story linear volume which runs the full length of the house. This space acts as the primary circulatory space via a transparent light-weight steel/timber stair and connects all 5 split levels whilst serving to distribute southern light via high level clerestory glazing to all corners of the house.

This project was awarded the RAIA Colourbond Award for innovative use of steel in a residential application.


Aspen Residence (Aspen, Colorado USA)